
Workshop on Experimental and Cognitive Semiotic Approaches to Film

Centre for Cognitive Semiotics, Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University
all sessions at the Pufendorf Institute
10:00–10:15 Introduction / Daniel Barratt & Anna Cabak Rédei (LU) 10:15–11:00 Elements of Comparative Visual Semiotics / Göran Sonesson (LU) 11:00–11.15 coffee 11:15–12:00 In the Eye of the Interpreter: Studying Perception and Interpretation of Films for Visually Impaired Audiences / Jana Holsanova (LU) 12:00–13:15 lunch 13:15–14:00 Does the Kuleshov Effect Really Exist? Revisiting a Classic Film Experiment on Facial Expressions and Emotional Contexts / Daniel Barratt, Anna Cabak Rédei, Åse Innes-Ker,Lars Kopp, Joost van de Weijer (LU) 14:00–14:45 Embodiedness of Film Viewing and Empirical Analysis / Torben Grodal (KU) 14:45–15:00 coffee 15:00–15:45 Prospects for Testing Hypotheses on the Workings of Visual Metaphors / Johannes Riis (KU) 16:45–16:00 coffee 16:00-16:45 Sequential Analysis of Audiovisual Content: A Method for Cognitive Content Analysis / Andreas Gregersen (KU) 16:45–17:30 discussion with refreshments All welcome! For coffee, please register by sending an email to: Anna.Cabak_Redeisemiotik.luse.
Sidansvarig: Goran.Sonessonsemiotik.luse | 2012-12-02