
Introduction to Phenomenology: A Discussion of the Book by Robert Sokolowski

Göran Sonesson (Centre for Cognitive Semiotics, University of Lund)
As I said at the last seminar, we think it would be a good idea for all the staff at CCS to familiarize themselves with one of the important tools in our arsenal, the phenomenological method. A relatively simply introduction to phenomenology is offered in the book by Robert Sokolowski with that title. The idea is that we will read it together during a number of seminars. For this seminar, please read chapters 4-7. We will then be at the heart of our problems: words, pictures, and symbols. For a copy of the text, please email joel.parthemore@semiotik.lu.se.
Sidansvarig: Goran.Sonessonsemiotik.luse | 2012-05-03