The Society

Meeting dates

February: the board convenes, takes decisions on calls for applications for travel scholarships

March: the board convenes, establishes proposals for new working members

April: Spring meeting, lecture and panel, new working members to be voted in.

May: the board convenes, makes decisions on allocation of travel scholarships

September: the board convenes

Third Saturday in September: autumn excursion

October: the board convenes, make decisions on recipients for the prizes to best dissertations as well as music award

November: annual academic ceremony festivities and annual meeting proceedings, Grand Hotel

December: the board convenes

The Board

Professor David Dunér (chair)

Associate Professor Elsa Trolle Önnerfors (deputy chair)

Associate Professor Paul Linjamaa (secretary)

Professor Jayne Svenungsson (member)

Doctor Isak Hyltén-Cavallius (member, editor of the Yearbook)

Director Bengt L. Andersson (treasurer)

Professor Daniel Möller (member)

Associate Professor Maria Persson (member)

Freiherr Nils Silfverschiöld (member)

Associate Professor Kristna Göransson (substitute)

Associate Professor Sara Kärrholm (substitute)

MSc in Business and Economics Otto von Arnold (substitute)


The task and composition of the Society

§ 1

The New Society of Letters in Lund is tasked with promoting academic humanities research, which includes religious studies, jurisprudence and social sciences. The Society is to take particular note of younger researchers’ needs within its activities.

§ 2

The Society consists of founding members, domestic and international working members, honorary members and senior members. Only academics below the age of 55 may be appointed as working members. Upon reaching 55, a working member becomes part of the ‘senior members’ group. Only founding members and domestic working members may be elected to the Society’s board and committees. Only founding and domestic working members are permitted to participate in elections and in deliberations  and decisions concerning financial and administrative matters.

§ 3

There may be no more than 100 domestic working members, while there may be no more than 35 international working members and 50 founding members.

§ 4

A person who has demonstrated a particular commitment to the humanities and culture may be appointed as a founding member, as may a person who the Society deems able to contribute to its activities and development. Founding members have the same rights as domestic working members.

§ 5

People of outstanding merit in the field of humanities may be appointed as an honorary member of the Society. There may be no more than seven such positions.


The Society consists of founding members, domestic and international working members, honorary members, and senior members. Younger academics are given precedence when selecting working members. Working members above the age of 55 become part of the ‘senior members’ group. Founding members are selected from among representatives of the business community and Skåne’s arts scene who have shown interest in the humanities.

Mötesdatum 2021

1 februari: styrelsen sammanträder, tar beslut om utlysning av resestipendier

22 mars: styrelsen sammanträder, fastställer förslag till nya arbetande ledamöter

22 april: vårmötet med inval av nya medlemmar, föredrag och samtal, (kommer att hållas i hybridform och mer information kommer inom kort)

31 maj: styrelsen sammanträder, tar beslut om utdelande av resestipendier

6 september: styrelsen sammanträder

18 september: höstutflykt

18 oktober: styrelsen sammanträder, tar beslut om pristagare för de priser som styrelsen har mandat att dela ut

26 november: jubileumshögtiden, årshögtiden och årsmöte på Grand Hotel

6 december: styrelsen sammanträder

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