Centenary of the New Society of Letters at Lund
During 2020 the New Society of Letters in Lund celebrated its 100th anniversary. Since its foundation on 6 May 1920 the Society has supported young researchers at Lund University by way of travel scholarships and prizes for commendable theses, and has given space to papers in its yearbook and publication series. In 2020 the New Society of Letters celebrated its 100 years of existence with symposiums and other events, including an anniversary book published under the title I Pallas Athenas huvud (Inside the Head of Pallas Athena), which plays upon the Society’s emblem: the goddess of learning and wisdom.
For the anniversary year, the New Society of Letters had joined forces with the Faculties of Humanities and Theology at Lund University to hold a year for the humanities – “Humanities 2020” – to highlight humanities research and the importance of education in terms of understanding ourselves as humans. The various events planned over the year of 2020 have been adapted to the extraordinary circumstances caused by the corona crisis.
The special events on the New Society of Letters’ programme, both implemented and planned for the anniversary year, were:
3 February, 12:00–13:00, LUX foyer: The Openingof Humanities 2020
5 March, 13:00–17:00, LUX C121: Humanities in the Future (Humaniora i framtiden) (symposium together with Humtank and LU Futura)
14 October, 13:00–17:00: What makes a human being? (Vad är en människa?) (symposium together with Royal Physiographic Society of Lund). Cancelled due to Covid-19. The discussions between the speakers of the symposium was conducted as four podcasts that can be heard here (in Swedish only).
27 November, 15:00–18:00, Auditorium in the main University building: Humanities in Lund over 100 years (Humaniora i Lund under 100 år) (anniversary celebration and symposium, launch of the anniversary book). Cancelled due to Covid-19.
27 November, 18:30, Grand Hotel: only annual meeting to be held digitally via the following link: https://lu-se.zoom.us/j/66411261077. Anniversary partyand Annual Academic Ceremony (conclusion of anniversary celebration, awarding of prizes) was cancelled due to Covid-19
As a result of the Covid-19 situation, the anniversary celebration could not be held as planned.