
Working Group Digital History

The Working Group Digital History explores the potentials of digital methods in historical scholarship and invites researchers and students to work on their projects. During our meetings systems developer Mathias Johansson is available for questions and feedback.

Any and all digital methods are welcome, for example:

  • Social Network Analysis with Gephi
  • Automated transcriptions with Transkribus
  • Organising Archival materials with Tropy

Bring your own work – in any stage – and enjoy working in a shared space with other researchers tackling same questions as you.

Dates and time:
2024-09-09   09:00 - 12:00
2024-10-14   09:00 - 12:00
2024-11-14   09:00 - 12:00
2024-12-05   09:00 - 12:00

Venue: LUX:A332

No registration necessary

Everyone is most welcome!

For more information contact Kajsa Weber.

Digital History Seminar Series

The Digital history seminar is hosted by the Department of History at Stockholm University in collaboration with Lund University and Linnaeus University. The seminar gathers researchers and student with an interest in the digitization of the history discipline – in the past and the present as well as in the future. The Digital history seminar series also provides a space for discussions of digital methods in historical research, regardless of theme and time period.

For the spring semester 2024, the digital history seminar convenes on Zoom on select days, mainly Tuesdays. The full program with dates, times and registration links is can be found here.

Page Manager: Mathias.Johanssonkom.luse | 2024-06-17