Call for papers

The call for papers deadline was 1 September 2022

Abundance in a Digital Age

Lund 14–15 November 2022
Submission deadline: 1 September 2022

Historians in the digital age need to navigate between multiple forms of abundance. Most evident is the abundance of sources as libraries, museums, and archives continue to digitize and open their collections while the amount of born-digital sources grows exponentially. However, to be a (digital) historian also means juggling with an abundance of media formats, methods, publication modes, outlets, audiences, and potential colleagues. Historians need to stay abreast with the constant development of tools whilst balancing deep-rooted publication traditions with new forms of knowledge sharing, oftentimes in geographically dispersed multidisciplinary teams. In this respect, to be a digital historian is inherently about managing a multitude of abundances.

For this year’s Digital History in Sweden Conference we invite paper, panel and roundtable submissions on any aspect of digital history. We especially encourage presentations related to the conference theme abundance in a digital age. Submissions presenting project ideas or sketching emerging work are welcome. Presentations will be circa 10–20 minutes long, in English or in a Scandinavian language. We plan for two full days of on-site conference at Lund University with a limited capacity for remote presentations. There is no conference fee.

Keynote speakers are Ian Milligan (Waterloo), author of History in the Age of Abundance? How the Web Is Transforming Historical Research, and Sara Ellis Nilsson (Linnæus), PI of the DIGARV-project Mapping Lived Religion.

Submissions must contain: an abstract of 200–300 words, paper/panel title, names, affiliations, and e-mail addresses of all participants. Panel proposals must include the titles of all presentations. Indicate if you wish to present in person or remotely. E-mail abstracts to Kajsa Weber at no later than 1 September.

If you wish to attend without presenting, please contact Sune Bechmann Pedersen,

The conference is organized by the DigitalHistory@Lund research platform, a collaboration between Media History at the Department of Communication and Media, Lund Center for the History of Knowledge, and Lund University Humanities Lab.

Call for papers PDF.

Page Manager: Mathias.Johanssonkom.luse | 2023-03-10