Lund Language Typology and Evolution research group

Map of the world's 7,680 languages, automatically coloured by their 431 families. Data: Glottolog. Graph by Gerd Carling.

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The Language Typology and Evolution research group at Lund University performs research within the areas of comparative and diversity linguistics. Researchers document and describe lesser-known and understudied languages. In addition, they collaborate in amassing data for the purpose of large-scale, comparative studies of language typology and evolution. Linguistic diversity is investigated both with respect to individual languages as well as from a macro-perspective, using computational and phylogenetic methods. The team of researchers has a long history of collaboration and co-production of academic publications, including books, articles, and databases.

Current research team at Lund University

News and Recent highlights

Some parts of language are spreading by migration: New paper in Nature Humanities & Social Sciance about the mechanisms of expansion of languages with noun categorization from a global perspective.

Seminar at IcoSem 7, November 1, 2021, 9am GMT, by Niklas Erben Johansson on "Vocal Iconicity in nominal classification". Zoom ID: 884 2583 3342


New study in Language reconstruct the evolution of grammar in the Indo-European family, using phylogenetic comparative methods. A recent paper in Diachronica focuses on the reconstruction of alignment patterns. (2021-09-06)

New study in Philosophical Transactions B investigates the evolutionary mechanisms behind similar-sounding words in all languages: connections are upheld by sound stability and first language acquisiton. Popular summary can be found here. (2021-03-22)



Online workshop: Diversity and evolution of gender, noun class and classifier systems, Friday March 12, 9.30-16.00. Pdfs from the presentations are available here: Gerd Carling, Marc Tang, Harald Hammarström et al, Kate Bellamy et al, Tom Güldemann, Filip Larsson.

Research project from Swedish Research Council to Arthur Holmer, Loren Billings, and Gerd Carling. (2020-11-04)


Tour de CLARIN: Interview with Gerd Carling about the infrastructure DiACL and the research of the Language Typology and Evolution group. (2020-10-22)

Mouton Atlas

A recent landmark of the research team is a reference book on the comparative typology of grammar and lexicon of Eurasia from the perspective of geography, culture and evolution in the form of an atlas (Carling et al 2019).

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