
  • Regular weekly meetings in H521, 10:15-12:00, starting from Sept 9, 2016 - to 2019


  • March 3 (Faculty Club, SOL centre) Central concepts and methods in PATOM
  • December 19 (Faculty Club, SOL centre) Project report for 2016


  • April 19 (SOL, L602) Progress meeting with collaborators
  • September 8 (SOL, L303) Symposium on pantomime, together with the Cognitive Semiotics seminar, with guests from Roma 3 University and Torun University

2018: December 14: Final workshop 

Open for the public, LUX, B339 
  • 10:00 - 10:30 Phenomenology and typology of motion: theoretical motivations and concepts (Jordan Zlatev, SOL)
  • 10:30 - 11:00 Actual and non-actual motion: Some typological and developmental patterns (Johan Blomberg & Simon Devylder, SOL)
  • Coffee break
  • 11: 30 - 12:00 Non-actual motion in Finnish corpus data, and a few remarks on elicitation (Anneli Pajunen, University of Tampere) 
  • 12:00-12:30 Actual and non-actual motion in Telugu (Viswantha Naidu, Gothenburg University)
  • Lunch
  • Internal workshop for project members and affiliates, SOL, H429b 
Sidansvarig: jordan.zlatevling.luse | 2020-02-20