”PETROGLYFISKT – virtuella upplevelser kring hällristningar/ Petroglyphics – Virtual Rock Arts Experiences” (2013-2014) was an exhibition at Österlens Museum, the Culture Historical Museum of Simrishamn in Sweden. We developed one part of the exhibition, where the visitor, aided by modern technology, got the opportunity to figure out a Bronze Age ceremony more than 3400 years ago. The Kivik Grave, Virtual Bodies in Ritual Procession was an interactive artwork by PhD Magali Ljungar-Chapelon inspired by cist-slabs’ images from Sweden’s most famous Bronze Age grave. The aim of this so-called “Virtual Reality arts play” was to engage the user as an actor-spectator and interpreter of the past into a ritual and sensory experience. This was a collaborative work between the Department of Design Sciences, Lund University Humanities Lab, the Institute of Archaeology and Ancient History, the Museum of Österlen and creative media enterprises. Here are some links with reviews of the exhibition (in Swedish), videos and publications.
Inovation in mind 2012Final version for the archaeo-artistic exhibition contextVR arts play tested at the Petroglyphics exhibition at Österlens Museum
Filmversion of the final version.
P4 KristiandsstadLUMYstads AllehandaKvällsposten/ExpressenVideos of the artistic production process
Very first sketches of the virtual procession at Lund University Humanities LabProcession sketch 1Procession sketch 2Adorant and first figurePrototypeFirst prototype tested at the virtual reality laboratory, Lund UniversityPrototype tested at the Museum of Artistic Process and Public Art, Lund University during the ConferenceInovation in mind 2012Final version for the archaeo-artistic exhibition contextVR arts play tested at the Petroglyphics exhibition at Österlens Museum
Filmversion of the final version.
Ljungar-Chapelon, Magali. 2017. Virtual Bodies in Ritual Procession — Digital co-production for actors and interpreters of the past, Internet Archaeology 46. Ljungar-Chapelon, Magali. 2017. The Kivik Grave, Virtual Bodies in Ritual Procession – Towards new interactive artistic experiences for time travellers. In Holtorf, Cornelius. & Petersson, Bodil. (eds.). The Archaeology of Time Travel. Experiencing the Past in the 21st Century. BAR International Series. Oxford: Archaeopress. Ljungar-Chapelon, Magali 2015. Digital teknik och konst mot nya kunskapsupplevelser – Publikstudie om virtuella interaktiva upplevelser vid utställningen Petroglyfiskt på Österlens Museum, Lunds universitet, Institutionen för designvetenskaper, LUP (Lund University Publications), ISBN: 978-91-7623-319-8 (PDF).