Previous News
Sabine talks at Copenhagen university!

Mikael Roll on TV! 2021-04-17

Grammatical tone transfer in the brain! Sabine's new findings published! 2021-04-12

Språktidningen interviews Mikael Novén! 2021-03-26

Mikael Novén defends his doctoral thesis!

Sabine Gosselke Berthelsen defended her dissertation on neural effects of tonal transfer! Read more... 2021-02-05

Anna Hjortdal's BA thesis on the neurophysiology of Danish stød! 2021-01-13

Quiz on prosody made by the neurolinguistics group, published in Sydsvenskan online 2021-01-22 and on paper 2021-01-23!

Cortical thickness in the ventral stream related to word accent processing! Brand new findings Novén et al. (2020)! 2020-10-19

Blomberg et al. (2020) launch a new interpretation of the causes of the N400! 2020-10-15

Brain's acquisition of grammatical tone
New article by Gosselke Berthelsen et al.!

Language Melody Game changes brain waves! New article by Hed et al.! 2019-11-30

Federico de Martino visits Lund Neurolinguistics group! 2019-10-24