
Below, we have listed the most important publications and talks related to the compilation of and research based on LLC–2. For a more complete list, please see here. Where possible, clicking on a title or DOI will take you to an online version. Most of the items are open access or, alternatively, available on request via ResearchGate. For conference talks, we have provided a link to the slides on Academia.

User guide

  • Põldvere, N., Johansson, V., & Paradis, C. (forthcoming). A guide to the London–Lund Corpus 2 of spoken British English. Lund Studies in English. Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University.

Reference article

  • Põldvere, N., Johansson, V., & Paradis, C. (2021). On the London–Lund Corpus 2: Design, challenges and innovations. English Language and Linguistics25(3), 459–483.

Other publications based on LLC–2

  • Nykiel, J., & Põldvere, N. (2025). Ellipsis meets the reactive what-x construction in English. English Language and Linguistics, 28(3), 613–635.
  • Seitanidi, E., Põldvere, N., & Paradis, C. (2023). All-cleft constructions in the London–Lund Corpora of spoken English: Empirical and methodological perspectives. Journal of Pragmatics, 207, 78–92.
  • Põldvere, N., De Felice, R., & Paradis, C. (2022). Advice in conversation: Corpus pragmatics meets mixed methods. Cambridge Elements in Pragmatics. Cambridge University Press.
    See book review here.
  • Paradis, C., Johansson, V., & Põldvere, N. (Eds.). (2021). Special issue on spoken language in time and across time. English Language and Linguistics, 25(3).
  • Paradis, C., Johansson, V., & Põldvere, N. (2021). Spoken language in time and across time: Introduction. English Language and Linguistics, 25(3), 449–457.
  • Põldvere, N., Frid, J., Johansson, V., & Paradis, C. (2021). Challenges of releasing audio material for spoken data: The case of the London–Lund Corpus 2. Research in Corpus Linguistics, 9(1), 35–62.
  • Põldvere, N., Johansson, V., & Paradis, C. (2021). Resonance in dialogue: The interplay between intersubjective motivations and cognitive facilitation. Language and Cognition, 13(4), 643–669.
  • Põldvere, N., & Paradis, C. (2020). ‘What and then a little robot brings it to you?’ The reactive what-x construction in spoken dialogue. English Language and Linguistics, 24(2), 307–332.
  • Põldvere, N., & Paradis, C. (2019). Motivations and mechanisms for the development of the reactive what-x construction in spoken dialogue. Journal of Pragmatics, 143, 65–84.
  • Põldvere, N. (2019). What's in a dialogue? On the dynamics of meaning-making in English conversation [Doctoral dissertation, Lund University]. Media-Tryck.

Relevant talks

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