Research team

Senior lecturer in Human Rights Studies and PhD. in Philosophy, PI of the project
I have worked on climate justice, intergenerational justice, methodologocal questions in normative political theory, and human rights. My main motivation has always been to make philosophical theorising useful to the public debate and policy-making. In this project, I'm interested in understanding how concrete injustice related to the ongoing energy transition can be examined and used as a basis for fair climate policies.
Associate Senior Lecturer in Human Ecology and PhD. in Sustainability Science
My work is framed within the broad field of political ecology and I seek to bring an interdisciplinary perspective to questions of development and sustainability. I have recently focused my research on the politics of scale within development and environmental governance in the areas of the energy crisis, health and the environment and water governance. I am also interested in feminist and decolonail approaches to environment and development.
My currently funded research is focused on social and environmental justice looking at just transitions and alternatives to development.
Henner Busch

Researcher at the Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies and PhD. in Sustainability Science
In my current research, I focus mainly on the socio-political aspects of energy systems. In particular, I am interested in how the benefits and burdens of energy projects are distributed or in other words: who wins and who pays? I worked a lot on community energy projects but I have also looked at the political economy of renewable and fossil energy projects. Geographically, I mostly focus on the Nordics and Germany but I have also contributed to research on the Baltic Sea Region and Canada. In my PhD, I investigated the impact of Transnational Municipal Climate Networks on urban climate governance.
Jens Portinson Hylander

My research interest is in the politics and geographies of sustainability and societal transitions. I am a recent PhD in Environment and Energy Systems, in which I focused on the spatial politics of public transport. I have a broad interest in the environmental justice, knowledge politics, and political ecology. In this project I wish to focus on how claims to efficiency and equity play out at different sites and how they shape and mobilize actions and reactions in the ongoing energy transition.