Reference group

Bensinupporet (civil society)
Hans is the vice chairman of the organisation "Uppror" and one of three admins for "Bensinupproret 2.0". He works for a just taxation of motorism, more democracy and less bureacracy in organisational life. He is 43 years old, married, originally from Skåne but now lives in Örebro.

Swedish Petroleum & Biofuels Institute (Business)
Johan joined SPBI in 2019, following a 20-year career in global strategy and operations roles with BP Plc. SPBI is the industry association for petroleum and biofuels producers and distributors, and focus on technical expertise, environmental legislation, energy supply and security and establishing the commercial and fiscal conditions for the industry in close collaboration with authorities, government and NGO’s. Johan's priority is to develop a roadmap for the industry to achieve climate neutrality latest by 2045, by addressing production and logistics, switching feedstock to biofuels, developing CCS and CCU and creating an innovation friendly environment for new entrants and existing infrastructure. The roadmap was released on the 5th of February 2020 together with Fossilfritt Sverige, a government lead initiative to support ambitious industries in their climate actions. Johan is 54 years old, married with Anna, and live in Värmdö outside Stockholm.

The Swedish Trade Union Confederation (Union)
Johan is research officer at the Swedish trade union confederation (LO). He works with climate, environment and energy issues at the international departement. He is also a member of the Sustainability Group at the European Trade Union confederation (ETUC).

Trade Unions for Energy Democracy (Union/Civil society)
Ulf has worked in the labour unions movement for over 50 years and has a longstanding interests in environmental labour issues. For the last 13 years, Ulf has been active in climate change activism from the perspective of labour unions. In this project he represents "Trade Unions for Energy Democracy" (TUED), which gathers 80 labour unions, 4 global federations (among them the International Trade Union Confederation, ITF), from 24 countries. Ulf has previously been the representative for ITF at the international climate change negotiations.

University of Gothenburg (Academia)
Annica is Professor of Political Science and Chair of Environmental Social Science at the School of Global Studies, Gothenburg University. She is interested in how public institutions can govern climate and sustainability issues. As part of various multidisciplinary consortia she has studied different dimensions of climate governance in the Scandinavian context and published articles and books on the green public sector and environmental governance and on municipalities in experimental governance and they include: Rethinking the Green State. Environmental governance towards environmental and sustainability transitions, with Bäckstrand, Routledge (2015) and ‘The Green Decarbonised State and Industrial Governance’ with Hildingsson and Khan in Environmental Politics. She also uses feminist theorizing to study power relations in Swedish climate policy making most recently, in a current Formas project and transport governance in municipal planning in a current Energy Agency project.

PUSH Sweden (NGO)
Adam has been active in PUSH Sweden, Sweden's leading youth sustainability network, since 2014. Especially active in the international team, he has followed the UNFCCC negotiations since 2015, as well as EU politics. Currently, he works at the secretariat of Climate Action Network Europe in Brussels.

The Green Party Lysekil and the Environmental Objectives Council (Politics)
Emma is a marine biologist who have ended up in politics. She is the chair of the Swedish cross-party Committee on Environmental issues (Miljömålsberedningen). The aim of the committee is to achieve a broad political consensus on different environmental issues. The committee consists of members from all political parties and works on behalf of the government. The current assignment aims to develop a strategy for maritime policy and will be submitted to the Government on December 1, 2020. Besides this she has many political positions, from local level eg. the vice chair of the Municipal Executive Board of Lysekil, to national and EU level, eg as a member of European Committee of the Regions. She lives on the countryside in Lysekil together with her partner and tries to spend as much time as possible outside, both over and under the sea surface.

Lund University (Academia)
Max is associate professor in environmental and energy systems at LTH. In the last decade he has researched the industrial transitions to zero emissions. In recent years, the focus has been increasingly on the steel industry through the HYBRIT (fossil-free steel) project. He has a broad background as a civil servant at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, a long-time consultant for the UN environmental program in Nairobi and also experience from working in industry.
Anna Lindberg

Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (NGO)
Anna is Senior Policy Advisor Climate at SSNC, Sweden’s largest environmental organisation. Anna leads work on international climate and energy policy, specifically the energy transition and energy access. She focuses on investment criteria to align financial flows with global climate goals and energy goals and how financial institutions can better support the Paris Agreement and universal energy access. In her projects, she works with NGOs and think tanks from the Global South and North and promotes networks and exchange amongst civil society, financial institutions, and policy makers.