Outreach activities
Outreach activities
- Busch, Henner: Interview in Extrakt on Citizen participation in energy transitions, December 2020.
- Busch, Henner: Interview in Landets Fria Tidning on Citizen participation in energy transitions, January 2020.
- Ramasar, Vasna: Environmental Justice and Just Transitions talk to AG Hedvig [...]
- Brandstedt, Eric: "EU:s återhämtningsfond v/s kommande generationer", Essay in Dagens Arena, 16 May, 2021.
- Brandstedt, Eric: "Human Rights and Climate Change" for Amnesty Lund, 1 December 2020.
- Ramasar, Vasna, NOAH FoE Denmark [...]
- Ramasar, Vasna, Mellamfolkelig Samvirke [...]
- Brandstedt, Eric: "Justice in Low-Carbon Transitions" a "Climate Dialogue" with Lars Nilsson, organised by Klimatstudenterna Lund, 19 May 2021.
- Busch, Henner: "Energy and Society" a "Climate Dialogue" with Jayeon Lindellee, organised by Klimatstudenterna Lund, 14 April 2021.
- Ramasar, Vasna. Panel discussion: Climate, Covid and Capitalism: Why we need a Global Green New Deal. 13 November 2020. From the Ground up conference of the COP26 Coalition. Online. Available at: https://www.facebook.com/cop26coalition/videos/401356281009104
- Ramasar, Vasna. An Introduction to Environmental Racism lecture. Town Talk conference 2020. 17 October 2020. Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Ramasar, Vasna. Climate justice - from theory to feminist, anti-racist, class-based political action. Keynote address at the ActionAid/Mellamfolkeligt Samvirke adult education course "Meningsdanner for klimaretfærdighed". 22 August 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Busch, Henner. Interview. 'Åland ett kritiskt exempel för grön energiomställning'. Nya Åland, 7 July, 2020.
- Ramasar, Vasna. Environmental justice and just transition as a feminist, decolonial project. Invited public lecture. AG Hedvig climate group. 26 June 2020, Online.
- Busch, Henner. Podcast: 'De Lockdown: "Sustainability and Corona: treat a crisis!"'. Online, 12 June, 2020.
- Online panel discussion with Nora Räthzel (professor sociology, Umeå University) and Johan Hall (LO), moderated by Eric Brandstedt: 'Just Transition', organised by JET together with Arbetarrörelsens forskarnätverk, May 5, 2020. View it online on the following link: https://www.facebook.com/forskarnatverket/videos/245931019963649
- Busch, Henner. Public lecture at Fridays For Future. 'How to divest private assets'. Online, 24. Apr., 2020.
- Busch, Henner. Lecture at the INTERREG Empower Project Meeting: 'Citizen Engagement in Energy Transitions'. Online, 1 Apr., 2020.
- Busch, Henner. Public lecture & open workshop: 'Solidarity Action for Wet'suwet'en pipeline protests'. Lund University, Lund, 20 Feb., 2020.
- Brandstedt, Eric. Panel discussion: ‘Social Issues in Environmental Decision-Making’, Jus Humanis, Lund, 27 Jan., 2020.
- Busch, Henner. Lecture to the Social Democratic Party, Skåne: Climate Change and its Implications. Online, 12 Jan., 2020.
- Brandstedt, Eric. Radio show: ‘Det gemensamma – tragedi eller möjlighet?’ (‘The commons – tragedy or possibility?’), Filosofiska rummet i P1, 12 Jan., 2020.
- Brandstedt, Eric. Podcast: ‘Orättvis omställning’ (‘Unjust Transition’), Klimatet, Sep. 8, 2019
Brandstedt, Eric. Op-ed: ‘Höjt pris på bensinen är inte alls orättvist’ (‘Higher gasoline prices are not unfair’), Aftonbladet, 10 May, 2019.
Brandstedt, Eric. Op-ed: ‘Orimligt att låta raffinaderi växa’ (‘Unreasonable to allow refinery to grow’), Svenska Dagbladet, 18 Nov., 2018.