Identifying and documenting the sources
The first task of Helleno-Nordica is to identify Humanist Greek manuscripts and imprints, including those published as paratexts in various publications. The Humanist Greek Database subproject shows the collaborative nature of Helleno-Nordica. The identification and documenting of source materials is undertaken through fieldwork of all three research teams. Tartu University Library will provide the bibliographic and technological know-how and infrastructure for creating and maintaining one of our main goals: an online bibliographic and text database of Humanist Greek texts and authors in Great Sweden (HUG-Database).
The HUG-Database will be a bibliography of Humanist Greek manuscripts and imprints from Great Sweden, providing information on authors and institutions where they worked. The approach is pragmatic. Records derived from existing sources will be merged to form a working database which can be expanded and enriched from other sources. The database will be connected by linked data to digital resources in European and national digital libraries as well as online biographies and encyclopedias, and to metadata in national union catalogues of imprints and manuscripts.