Wednesday, November 23
14:00-15:00 Registration and coffee | SOL hörsal, foyer
15:00-15:15 Welcome | SOL hörsal
15:15-16:30 Keynote | SOL hörsal | Allan Kellehear, Clinical Professor at College of Nursing and Health Sciences and The Robert Larner College of Medicine, University of Vermont | “Existential Sustainability at the End-of-Life: Challenges and Possibilities”
16:45-17:45 Art experience | SOL hörsal | Film and presentation by artist Henrik Lund Jørgensen | ”The Disapperance and Return of a Beloved” Film 13 min. (2020)
18:00 Dinner | Staff dining hall at LUX
Thursday, November 24
09:00-10:30 Parallel sessions
Session 1: “Existential Health and Consolation” | LUX B:129
Session 2: “Existential Resources for Ecological Sustainability” | LUX B:336
10:30-11:00 Coffee | LUX north foyer
11:00-12:30 Parallel sessions
Session 3: “Existential Sustainability, Market Mechanisms, and Reflection” | LUX B:129
Session 4: ”Dying and Death: Processing Existential Questions” | LUX B:336
12:30-13:45 Lunch | SOL Café
13:45-15:00 Keynote | SOL hörsal | Noreen Herzfeld, Nicholas and Bernice Reuter Professor of Science and Religion, St. John’s University and the College of St. Benedict | “The Banality of Technological Evil”
15:00-15:30 Coffee | SOL hörsal foyer
15:30-17:00 Parallel sessions
Session 5: “Creating Existentially and Environmentally Sustainable Practices” | LUX B:129
Session 6: “Existential Sustainability as Interdependence” | LUX B:336
17:00-19:00 Art experience | SOL hörsal, foyer | Workshop performance by artist Helena Fernandez-Cavada | “A Glimpse of Time Sharing. Between Interdependence and Gratitude”
19:30 Dinner | At restaurant Ihsiri, Bytaregatan 14
Friday, November 25
09:00-10:30 Session 7 | SOL hörsal | “Theoretical Perspectives on Existential Sustainability”
10:30-11:00 Coffee | SOL hörsal, foyer
11:00-12:30 Workshop | SOL hörsal | How do we proceed? Is there an interest to collaborate in smaller groups or on a larger scale?
12:30 Lunch | SOL Café