Nele Põldvere

Nele Põldvere is working on the Fakespeak project based at the University of Oslo. She was a Postdoctoral Fellow in English Linguistics at Lund University during autumn 2020, having completed her PhD at the same university in 2019. Her research centred on spoken language and the combination of social and cognitive processes of meaning-making in English conversation. It aimed to further our understanding of the social motivations and cognitive mechanisms of spoken language production, comprehension and change. To achieve this, she used advanced statistical methods such as linear mixed models, and a combination of qualitative and quantitative corpus and experimental techniques.
For more information on Nele's research, please see here.
Victoria Johansson

Victoria Johansson is associate professor in General linguistics. Her research interests include language production in a lifelong perspective, and a central aspect of her research constitutes of methodological development for investigating writing in real time (by means of keystroke logging, sometimes in combination with eye tracking to capture reading patterns concurrent with writing). Important outcomes of the research concern psycholinguistic comparisons of writing and speaking in a developmental perspective, where the use and establishment of e.g. lexical expressions and syntactic constructions are discussed in regard to the writer's/speaker's cognitive effort.
For more information on Victoria's research, please see here.
Carita Paradis

Carita Paradis is Professor of English Linguistics and her research concerns the dynamics of meaning-making in human communication and is situated within the framework of Cognitive Linguistics. Central to this approach is the meaningful functioning of language in all its guises and all its uses in discourse. She uses different empirical methods – corpus and computational techniques as well as experimental techniques of different kind to contribute to a better understanding of what linguistic expressions reveal about human interaction, perception and cognition and inversely how they influence and give rise to patterns and structures in natural language use.
For more information on Carita's research, please see here.
Eleni Seitanidi
Eleni Seitanidi is a doctoral student of English linguistics. Her main interests include semantics, discourse analysis and corpus linguistics, and she is also a research assistant on the LangTool project.
For more information on Eleni's research, please see here.
Paschal O'Hare
Paschal was employed in the project as a research assistant in 2016–2017. He played a major role in the transcription of face-to-face conversation in the corpus.
Jennifer Melckersson
Jennifer is currently employed as a research assistant. She proofreads the final versions of the transcriptions.