Research Outputs

Peer-reviewed edited volumes

I. Mporas, V. Simaki, C. Paradis, A. Kerren, and M. Paraskevas (Eds): Special Issue on Natural Language Processing for Social Media Analysis (NLP4SMA). International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT), 29(2). 2020. World Scientific Publishing.


Peer-reviewed original articles

V. Simaki, E. Seitanidi, & C. Paradis.  Evaluation of stance annotation in Twitter data. In Research in Corpus Linguistics. 2022. (in press)

G. Diagourtas, Kounetas K. E., & Simaki, V.: Consumer attitudes and sociodemographic profile in purchasing organic food products: Evidence of a Greek and Swedish survey. British Food Journal. 2022. DOI:

I. Mporas, V. Simaki, C. Paradis, A. Kerren, and M. Paraskevas. Editorial. In International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT), 29(2): 1-2. 2020. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd.

Peer-reviewed conference contributions (papers in proceedings books)

K. Kucher, N. Sultanum, A. Daza, V. Simaki, M. Skeppstedt, B. Plank, J-D. Fekete and N. Mahyar: An Interdisciplinary Perspective on Evaluation and Experimental Design for Visual Text Analytics. In BELIV 2022: 9th Workshop on evaluation and BEyond - methodoLogIcal approaches for Visualization, IEEE VIS 2022 Conference. 2022. DOI:

P. Haghighatkhah, M. El-Assady, J-D. Fekete, N. Mahyar, C. Paradis, V. Simaki and B. Speckmann: Characterizing Uncertainty in the Visual Text Analysis Pipeline. In VIS4DH: 7th Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities, IEEE VIS 2022 Conference. 2022. DOI:

Peer-reviewed conference contributions (abstracts in proceedings books)

E. Seitanidi, V. Simaki and C. Paradis: Stance-conveying hashtags in organic food tweets #betyourejealous. 50-51. In GRATO 2021: 7th International Conference on Grammar & Text, Lisbon, Portugal, 2021.

G. Diagourtas, K. Kounetas and V. Simaki: Consumer attitudes and socio-demographic factors in purchasing organic food products: Evidence from a Greek and Swedish survey. In European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 13-16 December 2020.

V. Simaki: Getting into the influencer’s head: Stance-taking in social media discourse. In International Conference on Stance, (Inter)Subjectivity and Identity in discourse (STANCEDISC’20), Madrid, Spain, 9-11 September 2020.

E. Seitanidi, V. Simaki and C. Paradis: We Simply Organic! #WeLoveorganic #organicfood’: Data Compilation and Contrastive Analysis of Consumer Texts about Organic Food. In ICAME 41, Heidelberg, Germany, 20-24 May 2020.

V. Simaki and C. Paradis: Annotating stance in Twitter data: methodology, challenges and results. In ICAME 40, Neuchâtel, Switzerland. 2019.

Peer-reviewed conference contributions (papers/abstracts, not in proceedings books)

E. Seitanidi, V. Simaki and C. Paradis: Hashtag functions in tweets about organic food #youneedtoknow [Paper presentation]. In PhD Conference On Sustainable Development, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, October 2021.

V. Simaki, G. Diagourtas and C. Paradis: The shift from organic to more sustainable food consumption in Sweden. In Knowledge for Sustainable Development – Lund University Research Conference, May 2021.

Work in progress

E. Seitanidi, V. Simaki and C. Paradis: Stance-conveying hashtag functions in organic food tweets: #youneedtoknow, 2022. (under revisions)

V. Simaki: The Organic Food Corpus: a multilingual resource for the understanding of consumer behaviour towards organic food products, 2022. (in progress)

G. Diagourtas and V. Simaki: The shift of organic food consumers in Sweden to more sustainable consumption practices, 2023. (in progress)

Plenary Talk

Simaki, V. (2020). Getting into the influencer's head: Stance-taking in social media discourse. In International Conference on Stance, (Inter)Subjectivity and Identity in discourse - STANCEDISC’20, September 9-11, Madrid, Spain (digital).


Simaki, V. (12/10/2022). Language as a tool for understanding consumer attitudes and improving the social impact of sustainable products. English Linguistics Seminars, English Studies Unit, Centre for Languages and Literature.

Simaki, V. (14/10/2020). Getting into the influencer's head: Stance-taking in social media discourse. English Linguistics Seminars, English Studies Unit, Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University

Seitanidi, E. (16/ 9/2020). Categorising hashtag functions in organic food tweets. English Linguistics Seminars, English Studies Unit, Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University.



Carita Paradis and Vasiliki Simaki were invited to participate at the Dagstuhl seminar 22191: Visual Text Analytics, 9-13 May, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany (

Page Manager: vasiliki.simakienglund.luse | 2022-11-29