Language Melody Game
The language melody game and the morphology game are two different games aimed at providing the player with tools to enhance learning different aspects of Swedish grammar:
1. Word accents (speech melody), and their relation to morphology
2. Morphology, especially how words are inflected, independently of word accents
The two games have the same structure. The player navigates a dinosaur and jumps up on a platform, where the beginning of a sentence is played (see the example below: De tycker om häst- 'they like horse-'). The last word contains a cue as to how the dinosaur should continue moving: up to a higher platform, where there is one language target, or down to a lower platform, where there is another language target. In the language melody game, the cue is usually a high word accent tone or a low word accent tone and the following target is a suffix.
When starting the game, the player will probably just have to guess which suffix (e.g. -en 'definite singular' or -ar 'plural') to choose, but later on, the player should get a feeling for which word ending the dinosaur should land on.
The game is free to use in its original or modified form for non-commercial learning, teaching, and research, as long as the following article is cited in publications where the game has been used in its original or some adapted form: Schremm, A., Hed, A., Horne, M., & Roll, M. (2017). Training predictive processing with a digital game: Prototype promotes acquisition of anticipatory use of tone-suffix associations. Computers & Education, 113, 206-221.
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